
For this first project i have been asked to design a three screened unique music app, coming up with my own new ideas that have not really been used in any other music apps before, also, designing my own icons that can be used to navigate around the app.


The first step of this project was to do some competitor analysis on some other leading music apps. I looked into Spotify, Apple Music and Deezer. Between them i noticed that Apple Music and Spotify shared a lot of similarities through the design and overall layout of the two apps but with Deezer i felt their design and approach was a lot more unique.

Idea Generation

The next step was for me to look into forming my own idea for this app. I started this process by doing some mindmapping. I put writ down a lot of different ideas with all of them having something to do with music to try and find some idea.


I decided to go with the idea of having the Dj/Mixer feature for my music app, after receiving some feedback on all of my ideas i was told to go with this one as it would be quite a unique feature as no other app has it involved. I then began to sketch out some basic templates for a home screen and a few other screens for my music app, really just so i get a good idea of what i could end up laying my app out like.


I then had a look at some colour palettes and typefaces i thought would best suit my app. The two typefaces that i found where called Quicksand and Manrope, this is the first time that i had actually seen these two fonts and i thought they were really nice looking, i am a fan of a smaller and lighter looking font like the Quicksand one. I went onto a website called, ‘Coolors’ which gave me lots of good modern styled and different looking colour palettes, and i took an instant liking to this one,

Final Designs

After this i began to develop my app on figma. Firstly i done some simple wireframes just to see what all of the spacing and sizing was like. Then After this i began by adding in the text and the actual colours that i chose.


My overall outlook on this project is positive, i thoroughly enjoyed the whole process of the project by getting to start and work on something i have not been near before. It was also good that i got to learn on the prototyping side of figma and to use some different sized frames in the project aswell. I am happy with the work that i have completed and i look forward to completing projects like this in the future.